Fruit of Spirit Goodness #1

Fruit of Spirit Goodness #1

The Fruit of the Spirit is GOODNESS.

What is GOODNESS??

What does it mean to have GOODNESS??

Our study of the Fruit of the Spirit has been featuring background images which have contrasted LIGHT vs. dark.  Today’s background image shows a beautiful winding road heading into a dark tunnel.  This is a good starting place for our discussion on GOODNESS.

In the beginning, when the world was brand new, everything was GOOD!

  • God created LIGHT – “God saw that the light was GOOD…”  -Genesis 1:4
  • God separated dry land from the seas – “And God saw that it was GOOD.”  -Genesis 1:9-10
  • God created trees, plants, vegetation – “And God saw that it was GOOD.”  -Genesis 1:11-12
  • God created the sun, moon, and stars – “And God saw that it was GOOD.”  -Genesis 1:14-18
  • God created every sea creature and every bird – “And God saw that it was GOOD.”  -Genesis 1:20-22
  • God created land animals and mankind – “ And God saw that it was good.”  -Genesis 1:24-30
  • “God saw all that He had made, and it was Very GOOD.”  -Genesis 1:31

But our world today is not GOOD.  We look around us and all we can see is heartache, pain, suffering, anger, hate, rage, injustice.  What happened??

Mankind chose to reject God.  Mankind chose to reject God’s GOODNESS.  And as a result, our Very GOOD world was plunged into darkness … just like the beautiful road in today’s background photo is plunged into a dark tunnel!

Mankind’s sin ruined God’s GOOD world!    But God, in His great GOODNESS, has not abandoned us or the world the He made. 

God, in His great GOODNESS, LOVES us!

*  “Give thanks to the LORD for He is GOOD; His LOVE endures forever!”  -1 Chronicles 16:34  &  Psalm 118:29

God, in His great GOODNESS has compassion on us! 

*  “The LORD is GOOD to all; He has compassion on all He has made.”   – Psalm 145:9