Fruit of Spirit Faithfulness #6

Fruit of Spirit Faithfulness #6

The Fruit of the Spirit is FAITHFULNESS.

When it comes to being FAITHFUL, for the most part faithfulness goes completely unnoticed.

  • As long as the car runs faithfully, it’s not noticed … until one day the car doesn’t start  … then it’s a crisis!
  • As long as the internet works, it’s not noticed … until the internet suddenly goes down … then it’s a big problem!
  • As long as the electricity works, it’s not noticed … until the power randomly goes out … then all is plunged into darkness and cold … and it’s a problem!

Our background photos for FAITHFULNESS have been images of lamp posts … representing our lives shining the LIGHT of Jesus!   In general, streetlights and lamp posts are never noticed.  They are taken for granted.  They illuminate streets, sidewalks, and pathways faithfully.  But no one thinks twice about them.  Their light is taken for granted.

Until they no longer work.  Then the darkness is very much noticed!

God’s followers are lamp posts shining the LIGHT of Jesus in our very dark world.  We stand firm.  We stand solid.  We shine FAITHFULLY. 

  • For sure the LOVE we shine will be rarely noticed, and most often taken for granted … but stand firm!  Shine LOVE FAITHFULLY!
  • For sure our JOY in the LORD will be rarely noticed … but stand firm!  Shine JOY FAITHFULLY!
  • For sure our PEACE in Christ will seem to go completely unnoticed … stand firm!  Shine PEACE FAITHFULLY!
  • For sure our PATIENCE will be treated dismissively … stand firm!  Shine PATIENCE FAITHFULLY!
  • For sure our KINDNESS will be unappreciated and quickly forgotten … stand firm!  Shine KINDNESS FAITHFULLY!
  • For sure our GOODNESS will be swept aside and dismissed … stand firm!  Shine GOODNESS FAITHFULLY!

Stand firm!  Stand firm in the power of the Holy Spirit!

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then …”   -Ephesians 6:13-14a