Front Porch Pets

Front Porch Pets

This little snail seemed to be thinking: “Hmmm … now how do I get down??”

Is it not adorable! I almost picked him up and put him down in the flowerbed … but then I decided I’d probably better not mess with nature and let him find his own way down. He eventually started crawling down the diagonal board down the side of the steps.

Thank you God for front porch pets!

I was delighted to come across this stunning white moth! Aren’t the water droplets on its wings beautiful! My Seek Nature App informed me that this is a White Satin Moth.

And check out the fuzzy white collar around its head … just like a fuzzy hooded collar on a coat. Amazing! Thank you God for front porch pets!

This little snake was sunning itself out front on the brick pavers yesterday evening when hubby came home from work. It was lying perfectly still, hoping to blend in and be unnoticed. Which worked! … because hubby almost accidentally stepped on it. Hubby didn’t notice it at all until the very last minute when it quickly slithered out of the way and into my bunchberry dogwoods.

Isn’t it adorable sticking its little head up for a look-see. Thank you God for front porch pets!