Footprints Across the Soul – Water plants in a cobalt-blue jar

Footprints Across the Soul – Water plants in a cobalt-blue jar

Throughout my daughter’s high school years she worked in the dining room of an Assisted Living place.  Here she developed many close friendships with many dear people.  This cobalt-blue jar with water plants was a gift to my daughter from very dear friends there. 

Many years have now passed.  My daughter has moved several times.  She has since lost contact with her dear friends who gave her the gift of water plants in the cobalt-blue jar. 

And yet … they remain with her … very special memories of very special times together. 

Footprints across the soul. 

This cobalt-blue jar with water plants is quite special to my daughter.   It has grown to become mostly roots rather than greenery, and neither she nor I are quite sure about the proper ongoing care.  However, the plants continue to live … and for that we are both grateful.  

The cobalt-blue jar was a hallmark of my daughter’s special friend … this friend loved cobalt-blue jars and bottles! 

The water plants were a hallmark of my daughter’s special friend … for this friend loved gardening!  In fact, she was a master-gardener! 

Hence, this little water plant arrangement is a piece of who she is. 

You never really know when you are leaving “footprints across the soul.” 

Pour love into those around you! 
And leave “footprints across the soul”!