Footprints Across the Soul – Blooms!

Footprints Across the Soul – Blooms!

This beautiful, variegated rose is “footprints across my soul” … precious memories of dear friends, and the wonderful times we have had together! 

Our friends brought this small rose over to us as a gift one evening, when we were enjoying pizza together and lots of laughs!  I planted the little rose in a special spot in our front yard … and named it our “Hoopes” rose, in honor of our friends. 

But then life moved us. 

I could not bear to leave our special “Hoopes” rose behind, so I dug it up, and it moved with us to our new home.  There it enjoyed a nice sunny spot on a second-floor balcony. 

Then life moved us … again.   The little rose didn’t even have a chance to get acclimated to its new home before it had been eaten off by deer.  

So, the next year the little rose was placed high up on the deck … safely out of reach of the deer.  There it has thrived, blooming profusely throughout the summers, into the fall, and even attempting a bloom or two in the middle of December. 

Footprints across the soul.   

Each beautiful bloom reminds me of our dear friends and the beautiful impact their lives are having on everyone around them. 

Life has moved our friends also … multiple times.  Yet they continue to “bloom” beautifully for Jesus no matter where God places them.  Through the “sunny” times, as well as through the sadness of loss and difficulty, they continue to “bloom” for Jesus. 

The thing about “footprints across the soul” is that you never know when “footprints” are being left behind. 

Pour love into others all around you! 
Leave “footprints across the soul.”