Spiritual First-Aid

Spiritual First-Aid

I was splitting logs with hubby, pushing the buttons on the log-splitter while hubby did the heavy-lifting, when one of the log chunks flew back unexpectedly and hit my hand.  It stung in the moment, but I didn’t think anything of it and kept working. 

A few minutes later I looked down and was shocked to notice that the back of my hand was covered with blood.  Wow … I guess I’d better take care of that. 

The log-splitter exerts a lot of pressure … 6 tons of force in fact. 

It is the same with life.  Life is nothing but pressure!  As we go about our normal everyday activities, we sometimes wind up getting “hit” unexpectedly by things we didn’t see coming.  Wow … didn’t see that coming!  It hurts.  But we keep pressing on … there’s nothing else we can do.  It is only later that we realize just how much our souls are “bleeding.” 

What we need is Spiritual First-Aid! 

We need the salve of God’s Word for our wounded bleeding souls.  We need the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit to bind up our broken hearts. 

Psalm 147:3 – “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” 

Is your Spiritual First-Aid kit stocked and at the ready?   If you don’t have an active, working knowledge of God’s Word, the Psalms are a great place to go when your heart is broken and wounded.