Fighter jets circling overhead!

Fighter jets circling overhead!

It was about 3:42pm on Saturday afternoon … hubby and I had been outside working, but we had just come inside. Suddenly, there was the roar of fighter jets going past overhead! Whoa!!

Hubby hurried outside to see if he could see them. I didn’t bother to move. By the time you hear the sound and scurry outside, the jets are long gone! I’ve done that before.

About five minutes later, here they came again! Roaring overhead! Whoa!!

Once more hubby hurried outside … only to just miss seeing them once again.

About five minutes later, I could hear them coming. I dropped everything! … and hurried outside! Lo and behold … there they go!

Directly overhead! Low and slow! Heading east to west over top of our house.

Whoa!! That’s cool!

Hubby commented that there was a UW (University of Washington) game which started at 4:30pm. He had seen on the news at the barber shop that morning that there was supposed to be a flyover before the game. These were probably the jets for the flyover, and they were probably early. So, they were probably just circling, waiting for the game to start. It was right at 4pm.

About five minutes later, here they came again. Hearing their approach, I scurried outside. And got this photo. Same flight path … heading due west, directly over our driveway.

There’s no doubt about it … that’s really cool!

Five minutes later … here they came again!

Five minutes later … here they came again!

And again. It reached a point I no longer bothered to get a photo.

I couldn’t help but think how glad I am that these fighter jets are for us, not against us. What if I lived someplace where these fighter jets were loaded with bombs and were coming to drop bombs! What if they were flying directly over my home then?!?

Just last week my son shared that his boss (working remotely from Israel) said that one of the Iranian missiles landed 750 meters from the office where he was working in Tel Aviv.

Hubby also shared with me last week that his coworker had mentioned that his family was in Israel, in the area which is being bombed. This coworker was Palestinian, having grown up in Israel and all his family are still there. Needless to say, this coworker was very worried about his family.

About a month ago, another coworker whom hubby has worked with for the past five years shared about a conference call he had been on. This coworker was also working remotely from Israel. He had been on a work conference call (with several of hubby’s other coworkers in the US) when the air-raid sirens went off. He had told everyone on the conference call that he needed to get down to the bomb shelter. What he accidentally failed to do, when he left to go to the bomb shelter, was turn off the sound on his computer.

So, all the coworkers on the conference call were sitting there watching the screen of his empty chair, hearing bombs exploding in the background!! It was very disturbing, to say the least! After a bit, this coworker returned to his computer … much to the relief of everyone on the conference call!

Here the fighter jets came again! East to west … directly over our driveway!

This time their engines were substantially louder! They were going faster … as they turned to the north in a sweeping arc!

The verse popped into my mind: “The angel of the LORD [this is Jesus!] encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” – Psalm 34:7

Jesus Christ is like a fighter jet circling overhead in my life!

Jesus Christ is like a fighter jet circling around … and around … over my life, to protect and defend me!

Psalm 91:4 states: “… under his wings you will find refuge.”

Under the wings of the fighter jets circling over my home I found refuge. The two fighter jets circling over my home were there to protect me! They were there to defend me!

This right here is what Jesus Christ is for those who love and follow him!

Jesus Christ circles over us to protect us! Jesus Christ circles over us to defend us!

Here the fighter jets came again! Low and slow … from due east, heading due west directly over top of my house. I glanced at the time … it was 4:27pm.

They didn’t come back anymore. It was time for the UW flyover.

I couldn’t help thinking: “Who needs to go to the game when you can have a front-row seat to multiple repeated flyovers over top of your house! That’s way better than one single flyover at the stadium!”

Thank you Jesus, for being our “fighter jet” circling round and round over our life to protect and defend us! Jesus we love you! Jesus we are so thankful and grateful for your loving care and protection over our lives!!