Feeding of the 5K Take-aways – Jesus’s Hands

Feeding of the 5K Take-aways – Jesus’s Hands

There we all sat … 5,000 of us, in a blazing hot field in the middle of Texas. 

The heroes of the day were the crew volunteers  …  in bright blue T-shirts they roamed throughout the crowd making sure we were all ok.  They carried armloads of water bottles to pass out to us.  They collected our empty bottles and our bits of trash. 

To be sure, they were every bit as hot and tired as we were.  They had been out in the field all day just like we had been.  And yet they served us.  They set aside their own exhaustion and discomfort … and they served us. 

I was so moved!! 

I felt so incredibly loved!! 

Many years ago, when Jesus fed the 5,000, He literally met physical needs.  Now, in a blazing hot field in the middle of Texas, Jesus was still actively meeting physical needs … He was doing this through the hands of His followers.   

Those crew volunteers in bright blue T-shirts … they didn’t know any of us … and they would never see any us again.  But Jesus knew each one of us … and Jesus was using their hands to let each one of us know just how much He loved us!   Those crew volunteers were the hands of Jesus! 

But not only that … someone had paid for all those thousands upon thousands of water bottles!  Someone had paid for those boxed lunches we were freely given. 

Across our country and across the world, normal everyday “heroes” have given to “Pay It Forward” to support The Chosen.  It was through these people’s selfless, sacrificial giving that our needs were met that day in a blazing hot field in the middle of Texas. 

I felt so loved! 

It was so humbling! 
It was incredibly moving! 

I prayed a special prayer of blessing over each one of those normal everyday “heroes” who served us that day … truly they were Jesus’s hands! 

Keep serving others! 
Keep giving to God’s Kingdom! 
You never know who will be on the other end, feeling the love of Jesus, as you are Jesus’s hands.
