Feeding of the 5K Take-aways – Actor drive-by

Feeding of the 5K Take-aways – Actor drive-by

It was late afternoon.  Hubby and I had been huddled underneath our shade umbrellas in the blazing sun for several hours.  The ground was getting hard and uncomfortable … we were getting stiff and cramped. 

From the big stage the MC’s had been announcing a potential “Surprise.”     “We can’t promise,” they had said, “but you’ll want to leave the shade tents and come up towards the stage.” 

It was entirely too hot to bother with such effort!  Hubby and I remained planted right where we were. 

Suddenly I saw a golf cart whiz past on our right.  “There go the actors,” I piped up.  “They’re headed to the stage.” 

Sure enough, in just a few moments the actors were front-and-center on the big stage.  That certainly got the weary out of the shade tents!   In droves people flocked to the stage excitedly! 

It was the pick-me-up we all needed!  Each of the actors shared a few words with the crowd … then, just as quick, the golf cart whizzed past us again carrying the actors away.  But this time people ran after the golf cart … waving and snapping photos! 

I couldn’t help but think how the Gospel writers specifically mentioned the fact that the crowds ran after Jesus and his Disciples … just like everyone ran after our actor drive-by!   (Mark 6:30-34;  Matthew 14:13-14) 

It is interesting to note that Jesus’s 12 Disciples had just returned from their ministry tours in groups of two’s, and additionally, John the Baptizer had just been beheaded.  Jesus’s heart was heavy!  His 12 Disciples needed a chance to debrief.  They all needed some time to process. 

But the crowds ran after them! 

Have you ever been burdened and just needed some space?   

But no, you can’t get a break … because everyone continually keeps “running after” you, wanting something from you. 

The Gospel writers specifically note that when Jesus landed, he had compassion on the crowds.   Whenever I’m dealing with a lot and need some time to process, that’s not usually when I have compassion for those who continue to take from me. 

Not only did Jesus have compassion … he welcomed them, he taught them, he healed them, and he fed them. 

Wow … 

It’s so hard to keep pouring out to others when I’m so empty myself!  It’s so hard to keep giving … when the entire world does nothing but take.  

God, please make me more like Jesus.  God, please give me the strength and grace to keep pouring out … when everyone does nothing but “run after me” to take from me.
