Farewell garden. It’s been a good one. See you next year.

Farewell garden.   It’s been a good one.   See you next year.

Our temperatures have dropped, and the frost has come.    I woke up this morning to 31*.    It’s supposed to be down to 29* tomorrow morning.  

Yesterday afternoon I was out tidying up the garden and getting it ready for its winter rest.    As I gathered up the soaker hose,  pulled up the last of the tomato plants,  and put the tomato cages and bean/pea fencing away for the winter I couldn’t help but be overcome by immense gratitude. 

The garden brought me so much joy this summer!   

I was filled with gratitude for the joy God gave me picking peas on crisp bright sunny June mornings.    I was filled with gratitude for the joy God gave me discovering a little green frog on the pumpkin leaves. 

I was filled with gratitude for all the green beans hanging heavy on the vines  …  which are now filling our freezer with delicious food for this winter.    I was filled with gratitude for all the beautiful sunflowers which drew me closer in worship to my Creator!  

With so much bad going on in the world right now  …  there is still a lot to be thankful for!  

As I was out tidying up the garden, both my son and my daughter each sent photos of the big glowing moon in the sunset sky from their respective locations commuting home from work.    I was filled with gratitude for the good jobs God has provided each of my family!  

Once my son got home, he sent this photo  …  I just love the tiny prop plane flying in front of the moon!  

I was filled with gratitude that the same God where I was, underneath my sky, where I was pulling up tomato vines and putting away tomato cages  …   is the same God who is loving and taking care of each of my kids, underneath their sky, each where they are, at their own homes.  

As I was tossing decaying plant matter onto a heap to be tilled back into the garden, I noticed bright orange fungus growing on the stumps just outside the garden.  

This is Orange Jelly Spot.    (And thanks to my new nature app on my phone I can now intelligently inform you of such things  …  instead of us all going on, continuing not to know such things, as before.     Additionally, my app informed me that it grows on dead coniferous wood  …  though  …  I think common sense tells us that’s a given.  Ha!)  

I am in awe of the complex creativity of my Creator. So many different fungi! All different types and shapes! Each intricate and delicate! Each individually unique! All doing completely different tasks!

There might be a lot of bad going on in the world around us  …  but God has sprinkled blessings all throughout each of our daily lives!    Because He loves us!    And He wants us to know that He loves us!    And He wants us to know that He is in total and complete control of whatever happens.  

What blessings has God sprinkled in your life today?