Fallen over sideways!

Fallen over sideways!

Believe it or not, this is one sunflower plant!

One single sunflower stalk can produce many different sunflowers. I didn’t realize this fact until last year. This particular sunflower stalk was growing tall and straight and reaching high for the sky … when a thunderstorm came through a couple of weeks ago and dumped rain!

Weighed down by heavy rain, the sunflower stalk couldn’t support all the weight … and it began to fall over sideways. Thankfully the garden fencing caught it, and is helping to hold it up!

There is a beautiful spiritual application in this! In life, we might be like this sunflower – growing tall and loaded with blooms! But then a heavy downpour “rains” all over our life! … and the weight of it all pushes us over sideways!

Have you been here before? Do you know what this feels like?

Thankfully, in life, God gives us other people to be there for us and to support us! God gives us “fence” people to catch us and help hold us up!

Thank you, God for “fence” people!!

We couldn’t make it through life without “fence” people!

In life, who do you feel you are most like in this particular season?

Do you feel you are like the sunflower, growing tall and doing what God has called you to do … but suddenly you have found yourself caught in a heavy downpour of life? Are you feeling weighed down by the heaviness of it all! … and being pushed over sideways?? You need a “fence” person! Who has God given you to be your “fence” person??

Perhaps, in this season of life, you might feel as if you are more like the fence? Has someone been “pushed over” by life’s heavy downpour … and lo and behold, you “just so happen” to be there to support them? It is a beautiful privilege to be a “fence” person. It is a sacred honor to be a “fence” person. Love your people well!