Fall Surprises

Fall Surprises

Hubby and I were having dinner one evening this past week when the driveway Ring went off. Lo and behold … it was a little baby bear! How exciting!

I had seen this little bear about a month ago. Others also in our neighborhood have seen this little guy around. We all have been wondering where the mom is. I guess he must be big enough to launch out on his own.

Thank you God, for Fall surprises!

Yesterday afternoon hubby noticed this little bat taking a nap high up near the roof, just outside our front door. Exciting!

I’m thankful for the Forestry session about bats which hubby and I took this past summer. I’m no longer fearful of bats. It was great fun to observe it … knowing that it has eyesight every bit as good as mine. And knowing that it sleeps just like this in tree branches and underneath the bark of trees.

Thank you God, for Fall surprises!

Also, yesterday afternoon hubby discovered a Pileated Woodpecker carving out a new home in a dead tree which we have been planning to take down this Fall. You can see the large rectangular opening just beneath the woodpecker. And it is working on another new hole just above it.

Hubby and I will definitely be leaving a standing snag above these places when we have this tree taken down. Wouldn’t want to chop down the woodpecker’s home … especially after it has worked so hard!

Thank you God, for Fall surprises!

Mushrooms! Of course! Thank you God, for Fall surprises!

Teeny tiny mushrooms in the gravel.

Here today … gone tomorrow!

This one was huge … about the size of a dinner plate.

Thank you God, for Fall surprises!