Evidence of God’s goodness! (part 2)

Evidence of God’s goodness!  (part 2)

I woke up early yesterday morning and first thing,  I noticed that my son had sent a photo in Teams.  

Here you can see  …  his apartment is packed and ready to move.  

He and his sister had just had their final “sibling movie-night hang-out” the night before.    A memorable movie-night amidst the moving chaos. The last sibling hang-out in this apartment.  

As I looked at the photo of my son’s apartment all packed up and ready to move, I was overcome with such a strange mixture of emotions.    It feels like it was just yesterday that hubby and I had helped him move into this apartment.    And wow all the life that has occurred in the brief span of years he has lived here!  

So there was a little bit of sadness that that phase is over …  and gone.  

Then another strange wave of sadness at the overwhelming effort and upheaval and disruption of moving.    Moving is hard!    It just is.  

Then another wave of immense excitement and anticipation for this new next phase.    My son has just bought a house.    He took possession of the property yesterday afternoon!    And hubby and I will be helping him move in tomorrow!    So much excitement!  

I can’t even begin to imagine all the life that will occur in the years my son lives in this home!  

Such a strange mixture of different emotions!   

As I look at the photo, I can’t help but be in awe of how God is so loving! …  and so faithful! …  and so kind!    The above photo is evidence of God’s goodness!    

*  God’s goodness provided my son with a job to be able to afford this lovely apartment to live in these past several years.  

*  God’s goodness blessed my son with many wonderful memories and experiences while he lived in this apartment. 

*  God’s goodness is moving my son on from this phase and season of life  …  into a new season of life. 
*  And God’s goodness has provided my son with a lovely home to live in for this next season of life. 

*  And God’s goodness will continue to be with my son  …  guiding and directing him in paths of righteousness.  

Evidence of God’s goodness!!  

Thank you God for your abundant, amazing goodness poured out generously to my children!    I am so grateful!  

God’s goodness is all around us … leading and guiding us into paths of righteousness. What evidence of God’s goodness can you see in your own life?