Everyone matters!

Everyone matters!

On Christmas Day hubby, our daughter, and I stopped by our friends’ home (in a distant city) to drop off some items.    We haven’t seen these dear friends in years, so it was a wonderful gift to be able to chat and catch up a little bit.  

When we first pulled into their driveway, I was immediately captivated by this enormous tree which was completely taking up their entire front yard!    The photo only captures the bottom trunk, but in your mind picture the branches extending out past the photo and arching up in a beautiful canopy.    It was a truly spectacular tree!  

“What type of tree is this??”  I was wondering.  

Come to find out, this is a Sycamore tree.    Our friends said that this tree is 65-70 years old!    Is it not amazing!!  

I was in awe!   That is the coolest thing ever!    What an incredible “Christmas gift.”    I’ve never seen a Sycamore tree before.    The account of Zacchaeus immediately flooded my mind.  

Zacchaeus was someone who felt very alone.    He didn’t have many friends.    He wasn’t much liked, because of the job that he had.  

Zacchaeus had been very successful at his job and had achieved great wealth  …  however he had accomplished this through dishonesty, manipulation, and extortion.  

Zacchaeus had heard about Jesus.    Jesus was the great and mighty healer.    Jesus was the great teacher  …  teaching everyone how to have peace with God.   

Zacchaeus was curious.    He was interested in seeing Jesus  …  he would very much like to hear what Jesus had to say.  

However, when Jesus came through his town, the crowds were so thick around Jesus it was impossible to see Jesus, let alone hear anything He had to say.  

Because Zacchaeus was someone who was not much liked, and because he didn’t have many friends … the crowds surrounding Jesus would not be favorable towards him joining the press around Jesus.  

So, Zacchaeus climbed up in a Sycamore tree, in order to be able to see Jesus when He passed by. 

In the above photo, notice how the branches of the Sycamore tree droop low to the ground, providing perfect pathways up into the tree.    I was amazed by this!    A Sycamore tree is perfect for climbing!

Our friends told us that when their children were little, they would climb this Sycamore tree all the time!    And now, their grandchildren climb the Sycamore tree.    However, the rule has always been that there must be two people present when climbing the Sycamore tree (for safety’s sake).  

As I sat in our friend’s driveway on Christmas morning, in the pouring down rain, marveling at the enormous Sycamore tree, it was a perfect picture that everyone is welcome to get to know Jesus!    Everyone

This is what Christmas is all about!    The entire reason we celebrate Christmas is because Jesus came!    Jesus left Heaven and came to Earth  …  for people just like Zacchaeus!  

Jesus came for people who are lonely.  

Jesus came for people who don’t have many friends.  

Jesus came for people who have done bad things and made bad decisions.  

Jesus came  …  because He loves all people!    Jesus loves everyone!    

Jesus wants everyone to know that they can have peace with God!  

Jesus wants to heal everyone of their sin and their shame.  

In the account of Zacchaeus, when Jesus came to the Sycamore tree where Zacchaeus was, instead of passing on by, Jesus stopped!    Jesus knew that Zacchaeus was there, quietly watching from the sidelines  …  wanting to see Jesus and hear what He had to say.  

Jesus knew all about Zacchaeus!    Jesus knew Zacchaeus’s loneliness.    Jesus knew Zacchaeus’s regrets.    Jesus knew the pain buried deep inside.    And Jesus cared!     Jesus cared so much that He stopped specifically for Zacchaeus

Not only that, Jesus rearranged his entire schedule and detoured to go to Zacchaeus’s home. 

Can you imagine someone of prominence and importance, surrounded by an entourage of paparazzi and important people, and pressed on all sides by adoring crowds  …  can you imagine someone like this stopping to notice you on the sidelines??    And then choosing to come home with you and give their entire evening for a personal meet-and-greet session with you??    It’s incredible to think about! 

Jesus gave Zacchaeus time.    Jesus gave Zacchaeus undivided attention, and shared with Zacchaeus the teachings which Zacchaeus so desperately wanted to hear.  

As I gazed at this Sycamore tree on Christmas morning, God’s message to me was this:   Jesus sees! Jesus cares!  

Jesus cares about you!  

Jesus sees you  …  wherever you might be, on the sidelines.  

Jesus knows your struggles.    Jesus knows your hurt and your pain.  

Jesus knows your disappointments, and your regrets.  

Jesus knows your mistakes and your failures.  

And Jesus wants you to know that He came from Heaven to Earth for you!  

Jesus wants you to know that you can have peace with God!  

Jesus wants to rescue you from your sin.    Jesus can heal you from your shame.  

This Sycamore tree is what Christmas is all about!    It’s about Jesus stopping  …  for you!  

“The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”   – Luke 19:10