Everyday Faith

Everyday Faith

I have a beautiful set of china dishes, which were a wedding gift many years ago.  To be honest, I have only used my china dishes a handful of times.  They are very special.  They are fragile!  Therefore, I use them only for special occasions.  

When it comes to faith, many people have a “china” kind of faith  …  faith which is “kept on the shelf” (much like my fancy china dishes), and only pulled out for “special” occasions (such as desperate situations). 

Our faith cannot be a “china” kind of faith.   
Ours needs to be an “everyday” kind of faith!   

*  Our faith isn’t just for special (or desperate) occasions. 
*  Our faith isn’t to impress people. 
*  Our faith needs to withstand the daily beating life throws at us.   
*  Our faith cannot crack when we feel broken.   
*  Our faith cannot break when we feel shattered. 

In looking at our background photo today, it is clearly obvious that this everyday ramekin has just recently been in the oven.  Straight from the oven, it is now doing the wonderful job as a serving dish for an appetizer.  If need be, it can afterwards be placed in the refrigerator or freezer.  And ultimately it will be perfectly fine going through the dishwasher. 

This is a fabulous picture of what “everyday” faith looks like! 

*  Everyday faith can handle the “oven” situations of life. 
*  Everyday faith can handle the “microwave” situations of life. 
*  Everyday faith can handle the “freezer” situations of life. 
*  Everyday faith can go through the dishwasher perfectly fine without being damaged. 
*  Everyday faith is adaptable to a variety of different situations. 
*  Everyday faith can withstand … it doesn’t chip, or crack, or scratch. 
*  Everyday faith is beautiful … just like the everyday ramekin in the photo is beautiful. 

THAT right there is what everyday faith looks like! 

Everyday faith is practical … enduring in the getting up each morning … in the going about our everyday routines. 

Everyday faith endures in the weakness, in the disappointments, in the trials, in the strain, in the opportunities, in the successes, in the failures, in the learning, in the growing, in the going to sleep at night, … and in doing it all over again … day after day after day!  

Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” 

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 – “… Stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.  Do everything in love.”