Erupting Emotions!

Erupting Emotions!

It was on this day in history, several years ago, that we were driving across the country to drop my son off at college for the very first time.  Lots of emotions for a mama!  My “little bird” was leaving the nest.  Life would forever be different going forward.  My son was stepping out to be his own person and discover the path in life God had for him. 

Lots of emotions! 

As part of our journey across the country, we stopped by Yellowstone National Park.  Today’s background photo was taken on this day in history at Yellowstone National Park. 

Lots of steam escaping … from lots of pressure deep underground. 

Oftentimes this is what our relationships look like when we are dealing with lots of emotions deep within our souls.  The emotions become more than we can contain … and they erupt! 

Across the landscape, steam plumes are erupting.  Obviously, the steam must be toxic with corrosive chemicals, for the land all around is desolate and barren.  This is what happens in our relationships when our emotions erupt.  We wind up spewing toxic words and attitudes all over everyone around us. 

It is not healthy for our relationship.  It is damaging!  If it continues … over time, our relationship will become desolate and barren. 

When we feel overcome by emotions, building up under pressure deep within our soul, we need an “escape valve.”  That “escape valve” is God.  Pour it all out to God … He can totally handle it.  As we pour out all those emotions to God, He will in turn give us peace for our souls. 

Psalm 62:5,8 – “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; … Trust in Him at all times … pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge. 

Psalm 142:1-2 – “I cry aloud to the LORD; I lift up my voice to the LORD for mercy.  I pour out my complaint before Him; before Him I tell my trouble.” 

1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”