End-of-Summer Joys!

End-of-Summer Joys!

Breakfast buddy!

I was delighted when this little Douglas Squirrel decided to join me for breakfast! What a great start to the day!

I’m amazed how its little feet stick to the tree like velcro!

Thank you God, for End-of-Summer joys!


Hubby and I “took-a-friend-to-church” this past Sunday! I was so delighted!

I told hubby that the most dangerous part was whenever we stopped at a stop sign or a traffic light … the little grasshopper felt that it was safe to move around … thereby putting its grip in jeopardy.

I was hoping the little grasshopper would be able to hang on all the way until we pulled into the parking lot at church. However, this traffic light right here did it in. The little grasshopper decided to move … which compromised its grip … and shortly thereafter it went flying off!

Poor hubby, this has happened to him twice now … he’s driving along all nice and calm … when suddenly I let out the most distraught yelp!! Absolutely scared hubby to death!!

It was only that the little grasshopper had lost its grip and went flying off.

At least this time it went flying off where there was lots of trees and greenery around. (Last time this happened, the little grasshopper went flying off on the freeway!)

Thank you God, for End-of-Summer joys!

Smoky sunrise!

Hubby and I pulled into the parking lot at church … where we were greeted with this beautiful smoky sunrise!

I just have to say how thankful I am that this year’s “Smoke Season” wasn’t nearly as bad as in years past! Usually, the month of August and the beginning of September is unbearable!! Sweltering heat … yet you can’t open the windows to cool the house down because the wildfire smoke in the air is so bad. Suffocating smoke that sits heavy on your chest and makes it so hard to breathe!

But this year has actually been bearable.

Thank you God, for End-of-Summer joys! And the end of wildfire season! (hopefully!!)

How has God blessed you here at the end of Summer?