Empty wood-boxes

Empty wood-boxes

Yesterday’s blog post was about empty wood-boxes … and how everyone’s soul is so empty right now! 

As I stated yesterday, the fire in our woodburning fireplace heater is a lot like each person’s soul.  And the firewood in the wood-box is a lot like the “fuel” which sustains each of us and keeps us going. 

Life has been nothing but storms of trials and difficulties the past few years!   So much turmoil in the world!  Political turmoil!  Social turmoil!  Economic turmoil!  People can’t handle much more … their “wood-box” is empty.  Life has been taking too much! 

This past week, both my hubby and my daughter each received vicious emails from their coworkers.  In each circumstance the issue really was nothing much … but the malicious response of anger and hatred was unbelievable!  Hubby stated that in his entire work career he has never received such a vicious slanderous response from a coworker. 

Empty wood-boxes.  People’s souls are so empty! 

If people do not have the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, their only hope for refilling the “wood-box” of their soul is whatever happiness or pleasure they can find. 

The purchase of a fancy new house, a remodel to make the house even bigger & better, the purchase of a fancy boat, the purchase of a fancy new car, fabulous new clothes, a fabulous trip to yet another fabulous destination … these are wonderful things which bring great happiness in the moment.  But when the storms of life keep constantly barraging … the happiness derived from things is not able to sustain the soul. 

The beautiful flame in the firebox, produced by the “firewood” of happiness, fizzles in the onslaught of difficulties, turmoil, and trials.  And the “wood-box” runs empty. 

“Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.  The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.”  – Matthew 12:34-35 

People’s souls are empty … their “wood-box” is empty … and so, out of their empty soul flows hatefulness, anger, vindictive maliciousness … tearing others down, dismantling, etc. … 

So, what do we do about “empty wood-boxes”?? 

First and foremost … make sure your own “wood-box” is not empty.  The “firewood” in the “wood-box” is like the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.  Make sure your soul is filled up with the Word of God!  Make sure the Word of God is filling your mind and your soul! 

How?  There are many different ways.  Read the Word of God … every day!  Listen to the Word of God via sermons, podcasts, etc.   Meditate on the Word of God … via listening to music whose lyrics are the Word of God.  Write the Word of God … via journalling. 

What do we do about the “empty wood-boxes” of others?? 

Well, what does the Word of God say? 

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  … Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”  – Ephesians 4:29-32 

Romans chapter 12 is another great instructive passage for dealing with “empty wood-boxes.” 

Let the fuel of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit sustain the blazing fire within the “firebox” of your soul. 

And as our coworkers, and others around us experience the warmth of God’s fire within our souls, they might ask:  What is keeping your fire going??   How come your “wood-box” is always full?   How can I get a “fire” going in my “firebox” like that?? 

And we can tell them …