“Easter-egg” surprise blessings – 2.0

“Easter-egg” surprise blessings – 2.0

Here at the end of another week I wanted to share a few of God’s “Easter-egg” surprise blessings which He “hid” for me to discover this past week.  

As usual, I headed out first thing in the morning to pull blackberry vines in the forest.    And lo and behold … I came across trillium!!    I was SO excited!!   

Here you can see the trillium  (yes, I know the bloom has not opened up yet … but just the fact that the trillium was there at all, and that there was a bloom at all was HUGE for me!)    

The past several years the deer have eaten off all the trillium before I have had a chance to even see them.   Perhaps the fact that the cougar came through a few days ago might have had something to do with the trillium being spared.   Perhaps the cougar’s presence has scared the deer away temporarily?    

Whatever the case, I was beyond delighted with God’s “Easter-egg” surprise blessing for me!    And if you notice, there’s not just one trillium … but there are two!    Two beautiful, fabulous trillium for me to watch and enjoy!    

Thank you God, for Your “Easter-egg” surprise blessing just for me!  

Last week I shared how God gave me the extra-special “Easter-egg” surprise blessing of a free load of bark chips!    This week, I headed over to the front flowerbed to start spreading out the chips which hubby had dumped there for me … and lo and behold … mushrooms!!    Aren’t they cool!! 

I have no idea what they are called  …  or why they grow all bunched up in a heap like that.   But I think they are really neat!  

I have no idea why these two little clumps of mushrooms started growing here all by themselves, out of the blue, for no apparent reason.   What causes mushrooms to grow in the first place?   I have no idea.  

Or why is this variety of mushroom growing right here  … and just a few feet away a completely different variety of mushroom is growing  (the really cool-looking tall spindly kind, which was my special “Easter-egg” surprise blessing from last week!)  

The thing is, we don’t have to understand all the “why’s”  to appreciate and enjoy God’s special “Easter-egg” surprise blessings.    When it comes down to it, God is way beyond our understanding or comprehension!    And yet God loves us!    And He shows His extravagant love to us each day … hidden in little surprise blessings all along the way!  

There were other special “Easter-egg” surprise blessings from this past week  … blessing which were not in the forest  … blessings which were in the interactions I had with people.  

What about you?    What special “Easter-egg” surprise blessings did God “hide” in your normal, ordinary every-days this past week?