Ears to hear

Ears to hear

My neighborhood is a rather quiet neighborhood.    Because of this, cars aren’t exactly careful when going around curves and corners.    It is naturally assumed that no one will be coming the other way, so the cars feel free to take the whole road, and cut the corners.   

The turn pictured in today’s photo is one such example.    Just about everyone cuts this corner.   And they don’t slow down either.  

My mailbox is around this corner  …  which means, when I walk to get the mail each day, I have to be careful when approaching this corner.   If I’m not paying attention, I might be in harm’s way when someone comes flying around this corner.  

Do you ever think much about your sense of hearing?  …  or how your sense of hearing plays into your normal everyday activities?    Probably not.    I don’t really either.    Except when I’m walking to get the mail each day!  

I rely heavily on my sense of hearing!  

Thanks to my sense of hearing (and a quiet neighborhood),  I can clearly hear any approaching vehicle  …  even if I can’t see it around the corner.    And I can respond and adjust where I am in relation to the road.  

As I was walking to get the mail the other day, thinking on these things  …  the Scripture verse popped into my mind:  “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”  (from the first few chapters of the book of Revelation)  

I couldn’t help but think  –  Are we spiritually using our sense of hearing??    Are we spiritually paying attention and listening to the Holy Spirit when He speaks to us …  and warns us of danger?  

Life is like a journey.    We each travel down our own “road of life” and along the way we come upon similar “blind corners” …  just like the ones in my neighborhood.   

We don’t know “what’s around the corner.”     We come upon a “blind corner” in our job  …  what’s the right thing to do??    We aren’t sure.    A “blind corner” in our relationship  …  how should we respond??    We don’t know.    A “blind corner” with our health.  

What do we do with the “blind corner”??   

We could be like everyone who drives through my neighborhood.    We could blaze ahead, take the whole road, and go flying around the “blind corner” in life.   

But the thing is  …  we don’t know “what’s around the corner.”   
We don’t know what’s coming from the other direction.    Maybe nothing.    Or maybe something that will result in a head-on collision!  

When we come to “blind corners” in our journey through life, we need to be paying close attention and listening to the Holy Spirit!  

The Holy Spirit knows what’s around that “blind corner.”   

The Holy Spirit can alert us to potential danger.    The Holy Spirit can let us know it’s safe  …  go ahead,  all’s fine.    The Holy Spirit can guide us in the right thing to do;  the Holy Spirit can direct us how to respond.  

But we have to be listening!!  

We have to be attentive

Our spiritual “senses” have to be attuned to hear!  

And not only that  …  we have to obey!  

The Holy Spirit is speaking!  …  but it won’t do any good if we choose to ignore His voice and go flying full speed ahead around the “blind corner” anyway.  

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.