Dormant … but not dead

Dormant … but not dead

Every summer the grass in the Pacific Northwest goes dormant … as you can see from the background photo.  Our 9-10 months of continual constant rainy drizzle finally ceases (this year it didn’t cease until the end of July), and the sun comes out.  In turn, the grass dries up and turns brown and dead-looking.  But it is not actually dead … it is only dormant.  When the winter rains return in October the grass will once again turn green. 

Sometimes our hearts feel like the dormant grass in my backyard.  This summer my heart has felt like the dormant grass in my backyard.  You see, this summer I lost most of my close friendships.  It was very painful. 

When we lose close relationships in our life, it feels as if part of us dies as well.  Our relationships/friendships with others nourishes our soul and brings life & flourishing.  When we lose relationship/friendship, part of us withers and our soul begins to feel much like the crackly brown grass in my backyard. 

But just because we might be in a dry season relationally, it doesn’t mean all hope is lost.  There is still hope!  God can … and will send rain, and flourishing will return once again. 

Yesterday hubby and I were blessed with the incredible opportunity to meet some wonderful new friends.  Before us is the potential for building many new relationships/friendships!  For the first time in several months, I felt a surge of hope!   My heart was so nourished and refreshed by the connection we were able to have with such wonderful new friends!  God is so good! 

We all need relationship!  We all need friends!  We need connection with others! 

If you find yourself in a dry dormant season, don’t give up hope!  There is always hope!  Keep trusting God and waiting for Him to “bring the rain” and lead you to a place of connection and relationship with new friends! 

There is always hope!  Because God is good … and we can trust Him!