Don’t Give up Hope

Don’t Give up Hope

It had not even been a week and the tomato sprouts were poking their little green heads up out of the soil. 

Right at two weeks the watermelon and cantaloupe seeds all made their appearance in grand fashion.  

Gangly and green … the little sprouts stretched towards the light, spreading wide their little seed-leaves.

But the parsley seeds??  The pepper seeds??  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.

Hope was beginning to wane, as day after day the little pots of dirt gave no evidence of life. 

Then, at exactly three weeks, the parsley seedlings made their timid entrance.  Delicate and tiny, one by one they emerged to seek the light.

But still no peppers.

Perhaps there is no hope for the peppers … perhaps it has been too long.  Perhaps hope is lost. 

Nothing.  Nothing but dirt.

Then this morning!  Is that a tiny little shoot??  No … wait a minute … that’s 2,  3 …  5 little pepper sprouts!  There was hope after all!  Good thing I didn’t give up on them!

What is that thing you are hoping for?
Is it a dream God has placed deep inside your heart?
Is it a person whom you have been praying for?
Don’t give up hope! 

Don’t give up!  There is always hope!!