Don’t call what I made “nasty”

Don’t call what I made “nasty”

I had just walked out to the road to drop a letter in the mailbox.   Overhanging the mailbox were masses of graceful blossom-chains from the nearby Big-Leaf Maple!   Wow!  God’s creation is amazing!

On my way back to the house I noticed a slug in the grass off to the side.  Nasty horrible little creature!

Immediately God stopped me:  “Don’t call what I made ‘nasty’!”

You know that firm voice deep in your soul, where you know you’ve just been scolded.  It was that.  I stopped abruptly in my tracks.   Right away I apologized to God for calling His creation “nasty.” 

If God didn’t think the slug was nasty, then I shouldn’t think so either. 

I bent down for a closer look.  Well … the slug did have a pretty cool camouflage design.  God’s creativity was in that.  And check it out … something I’ve never noticed before … the slug has a little hole on its back so it can breathe.  I didn’t know slugs needed to breathe.  I guess that could be cool.    And check it out … it has little antenna on its head which wave around as it travels, helping it to navigate.  That’s cool.

What is it exactly that slugs do??   Then I realized all those thousands of Big-Leaf Maple leaves which fell in the fall … that little slug was a vital part of helping all that plant matter decay and break down.  Now that is definitely cool.

God … You are amazing!  Thank You for beautiful blossom-chains hanging heavy in profusion!  And, yes … thank you also for little slugs.