Does it matter??

Does it matter??

The leaves are just starting to turn.   

And fall.  

Here you can see the leaves on our driveway as I was coming home yesterday afternoon from the grocery store.  

Here you can see the colorful leaves in the grocery store parking lot.   The vivid contrast between the brilliant red leaves and the dark grey sky was absolutely striking!  

Here you can see the colorful leaves on Tuesday of this week, as hubby and I were driving down to the Worship Night event in downtown.   The vivid yellow contrasted against the bright blue sky was so beautiful

Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year!   With the leaves beginning to fall, it has brought to mind a song I invented for my kids when they were little.   

It was exactly 20 years ago, in 2004, that God blessed us with the incredible gift of a piano.   Hubby and I were so excited for the kids to have the opportunity to take piano lessons.   And as part of that, it was really important to me that our kids saw “playing the piano” as fun!   Rather than the drudgery that piano lessons often becomes.  

Therefore, in order to create a sense of joy and fun around playing the piano, I invented several different catchy little songs for the kids.   One was a bee-boppin’ tune called:  “It’s getting dark outside!”   The kids loved that one!   

Another one was called:  “Autumn has come!”   
Here are the words  … 

“Leaves are falling to the ground. 
Autumn time has come around. 
Red, orange, golden hues 
ride the breeze to spread the news  … 

“Autumn is here!  
It’s our favorite time of year!  
Autumn has come!   
There is fun for everyone!”  

I texted my son the other day and sent him the above lyrics, asking him if he remembers the song.   “Oh yes!” was his reply.   He could probably pick out and play the song this day on the piano.  

And while piano lessons (all those many years ago) did indeed have their moments of typical “drudgery”  …  in the end, my son truly did develop a joy for playing the piano.  

I have on my phone (in my music app) a playlist of piano songs my son has recorded over the years and sent to us.   I love it!    It is one of my favorite playlists!  

Yesterday’s blog post discussed how what we do has “ripples” throughout life.   And how oftentimes God uses the “smallest stones” to make the “biggest ripples.”   Creating a catchy little tune for my kids 20 years ago was just a “small stone.”   But in the end, the “ripples” continue to this day in my son’s piano playing.   

What has God called you to do in life?  

Life, for the most part, is made up of “small things”  …    
*   “small” everyday moments  
*   “small” everyday actions  
*   “small” everyday words  
*   “small” everyday acts of serving others.  

Those “small” things God can use to made “big” ripples!    You never know what God is doing in and through your life to impact others!  …  even perhaps, far into the future!  

But life is hard!    We become so tired!   We are so weary!  

We oftentimes wonder if what we are doing even matters??  

It matters!   It matters a lot!  

Keep tossing your “small pebbles” out there!    God is making “ripples” which you can’t even see!  

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”  – Galatians 6:9