Does in the snow

Does in the snow

Two days ago I wrote about “Tracks in the snow.”   Here you can see the two does which made those tracks in the snow … 

This little lady is the one which loves to eat my bunchberry dogwoods, as well as nibble on my viburnum.   (her friend, the older doe, is over to the right, back in the bushes … all you can see of her is her black/white tail)

Here you can see both of them.   The older doe (which avoids the temptation of my bunchberry dogwoods) is on the left of the photo, while the bunchberry-nibbling doe is just to the right of the tall tree.  

(As an aside – those are my footprints headed back to that far corner … I had gone out earlier in the day to toss the fireplace ashes off the cliff. Tracks in the snow! Nothing is hidden … tracks in the snow tell it all!)

As I watched the two does browsing along the far edge of the backyard, the first thing to pop into my mind was:  “And so too we all need to make sure to shop the edges of the supermarket!   Because all the healthful food items are always around the edges of the grocery store!”   (Haha!)  

A few hours later I was sharing with hubby how I had a couple of good photos for a blog post, as well as a good title for a blog post, but I didn’t really have a good spiritual application.  

Right away hubby’s immediate response was:  God will always provide for us and take care of us no matter what season we are in.    The two does were browsing the edges. That’s just like poor people in the Old Testament gleaning the edges of the fields. (that’s where Boaz first noticed Ruth – she was gleaning)

Just as God instructed the Israelites (in the Old Testament) to leave the edges of their fields for the poor people to glean, so also God will always leave “provision around the edges” for us (in our times of leanness and hardship in life) so that we always have exactly what we need!  

Whoa!   What a great spiritual application!  

God will always take care of us!   No matter what season we are in.  

God will always leave “provision around the edges” for us.