Do extraterrestrials exist?

Do extraterrestrials exist?

This week hubby and I watched the most recent “Yes Theory” video.    It was fascinating.  

(As an aside:  “Yes Theory”  is a YouTube channel introduced to us by our son.    It is basically geared toward a Millennial/Gen Z audience.    However, hubby and I have found their human-interest pieces to be absolutely fascinating!    Additionally, the filmography, storytelling, and editing are all very well-done!)  

Back to this week’s most recent “Yes Theory” video.   The title of the video is:  “7 Days With the Man Claiming Aliens Exist (under oath in Congress).”   

This documentary is a 1-hour piece examining the Congressional Hearing of Dave Grusch  …  who is former military, with high-level security clearance and classified governmental knowledge concerning extraterrestrial activity.  

Dave’s highly publicized appearance before the Committee on Oversight and Accountability was to discuss:   Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena  (UAP).   

Or in other words:  Do extraterrestrials exist??  

Among the questions asked at the Congressional Hearing was this one:   “Do UAP’s pose a threat to our national security?”  

In fact, most questions asked dealt with the national security interests of the US.    

Afterwards, the “Yes Theory” documentary-maker had the idea of holding a true public hearing  …  one in which Dave could answer questions from normal ordinary people (who had no political agenda at all).    Just plain normal ordinary people  …  both skeptics and believers alike.    

And that is what “Yes Theory” did.    They contacted their Millennial/Gen Z followers and invited them to participate in a true public hearing  …  where they could ask Dave any question they wanted.  

As I watched this fascinating documentary about whether or not extraterrestrials exist, the thought crossed my mind:  If these young people were asking me these questions, what would my answers be? 

So  …  for this blog post, I decided to do just that.  

I have taken a few of the common questions people have about extraterrestrials, and I have presented my personal beliefs on the subject.  

To start with  …  I will simply present the question, followed by my personal beliefs.  

Then to follow up  …  I will re-visit each question, and my answer to each question  …  and share why I believe what I believe?  

So  …  here we go  …  let’s get started  …  

What do extraterrestrials look like?  

*  Extraterrestrials are shape-changers  …  they can look like a human if they choose.  

*  In their natural state, extraterrestrials are so bright they appear like lightning!  

*  Just like on our planet we have humans and all kinds of other animal creatures, the same is true with extraterrestrials.    There are higher-form extraterrestrials.    And there are a vast array of other extraterrestrial creatures.  

Are extraterrestrials among us right now? 
Yes  …  extraterrestrials come and go between our planet and their world all the time.
Extraterrestrials are actively at work influencing human affairs on our planet.  

What are extraterrestrials like? 

*  Extraterrestrials have power to influence the weather of our planet. 

*  Extraterrestrials have power to manipulate the minds of humans. 

*  Extraterrestrials have power over people’s physical health. 

*  Extraterrestrials can levitate and rise up in the air. 

*  Extraterrestrials can spontaneously appear and disappear at will. 

*  Extraterrestrials can walk through walls and doors. 

*  Extraterrestrials have power to make doors and gates open by themselves.   

Are extraterrestrials peaceful towards the earth?    Or do they intend harm towards the earth?  

Just like some people on our earth are kind and nice, while other people on our earth are cruel and mean  …  extraterrestrials are the same.     Some extraterrestrials are kind, and intend peace toward the earth.    Some extraterrestrials are cruel, and intend harm towards the earth.  

In all of the sci-fi movies, the extraterrestrials are coming to invade the earth.    Is this true?  

Yes  …  what you see depicted in all the sci-fi movies about destruction and war on the earth between humans and extraterrestrials, this is absolutely true  and  will happen!  

Has anyone gone to the world of the extraterrestrials? 

Yes  …  three men, from over a thousand-year-spread of history, actually saw the world of the extraterrestrials and wrote about it.  

So, I have presented my beliefs concerning extraterrestrials.   
Here is why I believe what I believe.  

What do extraterrestrials look like?  

*  Extraterrestrials are shape-changers  …  they can look like a human if they choose.  

–    Hebrews 13:2  …  tells us that extraterrestrials (not from our planet) have come and some people have offered hospitality to them and served them meals, not even knowing they were not from our planet.  

–    Genesis 18 is an example of this  …  three extraterrestrials, not from our planet, came to visit Abraham.    Abraham did not know they were not from our planet.    Abraham offered hospitality to them and served them a meal.  

–    Genesis 19:1-28  …  two extraterrestrials, not from our planet, came in the form of humans.    They were so believably human-like, that the men of the city of Sodom wanted to have sex with them.  

–    Joshua 5:13-14  …  an extraterrestrial, not from our planet, appeared to Joshua in the form of a mighty warrior!    

–    Mark 16:5  …  an extraterrestrial, not from our planet, appeared as a young man dressed in a white robe.  

*  In their natural state, extraterrestrials are so bright they appear like lightning!  
–    Both Matthew 28:2-4  and  Luke 24:4  record accounts of this occurrence.  

*  Just like on our planet we have humans and all kinds of other animal creatures, the same is true with extraterrestrials.    There are higher-form extraterrestrials.    And there are also a vast array of other extraterrestrial creatures.  

–    Both Genesis 3:1-7 and  Revelation 12:9  record the presence and existence of a very mighty, powerful extraterrestrial, not from our planet, known as the great serpent!  

–    2 Kings 2:11 records the existence of horses of fire.  

–    Both Isaiah 6:2  and  Revelation 4:6-8  record the existence of extraterrestrial creatures which are covered all over with eyes, and have 6 wings each. 

Are extraterrestrials among us right now?  
Yes  …  extraterrestrials come and go between our planet and their world all the time. 
Extraterrestrials are actively at work influencing human affairs on our planet.  

–    Job 1:6-7  records that the mighty, powerful extraterrestrial (the great serpent!) roams throughout the earth and goes back and forth in it.  

–    Job 2:1-2  reiterates that the mighty, powerful extraterrestrial (the great serpent!) roams throughout the earth, going back and forth in it.  

–    1 Peter 5:8  further reiterates that the mighty, powerful extraterrestrial (the great serpent!)   continually roams throughout the earth.  

What are extraterrestrials like?  

*  Extraterrestrials have power to influence the weather of our planet.  
–    Genesis 19:1-28  records extraterrestrials (not from our planet) raining fire down on the earth. 

*  Extraterrestrials have power to manipulate the minds of humans. 
–    1 Kings 22:19-22  records this very thing happening!  

*  Extraterrestrials have power over people’s physical health. 
–    Job 2:7-8  records this very thing happening! 
–    Both Acts 9:1-19  and  Genesis 19:10-11  also record occurrences of this happening. 

*  Extraterrestrials can levitate and rise up in the air. 
–    Acts 1:9  records this very thing happening. 

*  Extraterrestrials can spontaneously appear and disappear at will.   
*  Extraterrestrials can walk through walls and doors. 
–    John 20:19-20  records this very thing happening! 
–    Judges 6:21 also records this happening.  

*  Extraterrestrials have power to make doors and gates open by themselves.   
–    Acts 12:6-10   records this very thing happening.  

Are extraterrestrials peaceful towards the earth?    Or do they intend harm towards the earth?  

Just like some people on our earth are kind and nice, while other people on our earth are cruel and mean  …  extraterrestrials are the same.     Some extraterrestrials are kind, and intend peace toward the earth.    Some extraterrestrials are cruel, and intend harm towards the earth.  

–    Psalm 91:11  records that kind extraterrestrials, which are not from our planet, have been given the charge to guard and protect humans as we go throughout our lives.  

–    Revelation 12:8-12 records that the mighty, powerful extraterrestrial (the great serpent!) was cast out of the realm where the extraterrestrials live!  …  and was hurled down to our planet!  …  along with his army!    Revelation 12:12 says:  Woe to the earth!  …  because this army of malicious, evil extraterrestrials is filled with fury!  

In all of the sci-fi movies, the extraterrestrials are coming to invade the earth.    Is this true? 

*  Yes  …  what you see depicted in all the sci-fi movies about destruction and war on the earth between humans and extraterrestrials, this is absolutely true  and  will happen!  

–    As stated above, Revelation 12:9 records that the mighty, powerful extraterrestrial (the great serpent!) was cast out of the extraterrestrial realm  …  and was hurled down to our planet!  …  along with his malicious cruel army!    These malicious, evil extraterrestrials, which are not from our planet, are filled with fury!  

–    Revelation 14:6-20 records the great and terrible war which will occur  …  between humans and extraterrestrials (which are not from our planet).  

–    Revelation 16:1-21 further describes in detail the destruction which will occur on our planet during the future-coming great war between humans and extraterrestrials (which are not from our planet). 

Has anyone gone to the world of the extraterrestrials?   

*  Yes  …  three men, from over a thousand-year-spread of history, actually saw the world of the extraterrestrials and wrote about it.  

–    John  …  recorded what the world of the extraterrestrials is like.    You can read about this in Revelation 1:9-19  and  Revelation 4:1-11.  

–    Paul  …  stated in his writings of 2 Corinthians 12:3-4  that he was caught up into the extraterrestrial world, and heard inexpressible things, which humans are not permitted to tell.  

–    Isaiah  …  had a brief momentary glimpse into the extraterrestrial world.    He recorded what he saw in Isaiah 6:1-4.