December joys … little everyday wonders!

December joys … little everyday wonders!

It’s an adorable little junior opossum! This little guy was about the size of a small dog and was moseying around right next to my back deck.

Honestly, I’m just like those dogs in the animated Pixar movie “UP” which get distracted and derailed anytime they hear the word: “Squirrel.” That’s totally me when it comes to anything nature-related out my windows! I immediately lose all focus and concentration!

I totally forgot whatever it was I had been doing and just stood in awe gazing out my window at this super cute little creature. I included two photos so you could get an idea of his little waddle as he walked. He was out there about an hour scavenging around (I guess for seeds??).

I have never seen an opossum where we now live. However, about 8 years ago (and two moves ago) there were three very large opossums which came wandering through our yard. They were not cute. In fact, they were distinctly ugly & rather frightening – they were about the size of large dogs! (they reminded me of the “ROUS” creatures – Rodents of Unusual Size – from the movie, “Princess Bride.”)

As an aside … I just learned something new. An opossum is a completely different animal than a possum. I had no idea! Opossums have coarse grey fur, pointy white faces, and bare tails. Possums, on the other hand, have rounded bodies and golden-brown fur. Opossum’s live in North America; whereas possum’s live in Australia, New Zealand, & China. I had no idea!

I feel very honored that a little junior opossum lives in our forest!

Thank you God for December joys!

Thank you God for little everyday wonders!

This pileated woodpecker was enjoying one of the last remaining apples high up in the apple tree. It didn’t seem to mind at all as I moseyed, as stealthily as possible, directly underneath it … then raised my arms as high as I could above my head to get a photo with my phone.

He seemed to be somewhat tolerating me, as I stood there directly underneath him. I figured he must know me.

Since he obviously didn’t seem to view me as a threat, I figured he considered me a “friend.”

This thought brought me great joy … that this pileated woodpecker would consider me as a friend!

Thank you God for December joys!

Thank you God for little everyday wonders!