Death … Conquered!!

Death … Conquered!!

Do you ever feel you’re drowning …
and cannot get a breath …
beaten down by constant waves
of things that all cause death.

Death caused by lack of competence;
death caused by bitter feuds;
death caused by constant back-stabbing,
and poisonous attitudes.

Death caused by accusations;
death caused by tearing down;
death caused by adding more weight
to the burdens that abound.

Death caused by selfish greed;
death caused by opposing views;
death caused by pride and arrogance,
and bullying that is rude.

Death caused by spreading slander;
death caused through constant lies;
death caused by being mocked,
and always criticized.

Death that tries to stamp out
the spark and joy of life.
Death that slowly eats away one’s soul
through never-ending strife.

But Jesus conquered death! …
by the Holy Spirit’s power!
He will infuse us with His life
and strength for our darkest hour.

We have His power when we’re slandered.
We have His power when we’re criticized.
We have His power to persevere
in the face of all the lies.

We have His power despite the total
lack of competence that abounds.
We have His power, though it seems
that everyone is trying to tear us down.

We have His power though we’re drowning
amidst poisonous attitudes.
We have His power as the Holy Spirit
makes our hearts and minds renewed.

We have His power not to be bitter.
We have His power to be kind.
We have His power when we’re back-stabbed,
the appropriate words to find.

We have His power to be patient.
We have His power to go the extra mile.
We have His power to endure
through the never-ending trials.

We have His power that will heal
our broken weary hearts.
We have His power to get back out there
at each new day’s start.

We have His power to hang in there.
We have His power not to quit.
We have His power that will fill us
when we’ve been drained – every bit!

Jesus conquered death!
By His power we’ve been made alive!
In the surging storms of death,
in Jesus Christ we will survive!

By: Amy Hayes