“Cutting Away”

“Cutting Away”

So, I have an update on the saga of one of my cactus plants.  Perhaps you might remember it. 

My daughter had this little cactus plant with a beautiful red bloom on the top.  It grew fabulously … not really changing all that much in a year’s time.  Until one day last spring, the bloom began to get ugly dark splotches.  It became worse, until eventually the entire bloom shriveled up and died.   Sadness. 

Was the cactus dead?  I didn’t know.  I didn’t even know what type of cactus it was. 

I didn’t have the heart to throw it out … because I didn’t think it was really dead just because the bloom had died. 

So … I put it down on the floor behind all the other plants, where it could continue to do whatever it was going to do … and I wouldn’t have to see the pitiful little dead bloom. 

I forgot about it. 

Until one day last summer, I glanced down behind all the other plants and lo and behold! … the sad little cactus plant had grown two new shoots!  Shock of all shocks!  It hadn’t been dead after-all. 

The two new shoots were growing lots of new roots … which were reaching out, looking for dirt.

So, I transplanted the little cactus plant to a bigger pot, where the entire thing was buried beneath the dirt.  Three little cactuses emerged from the dirt.  And throughout this winter they have grown taller and taller. 

The original cactus was tall and straight with a beautiful big red bloom on the top.  I have silently been wondering when the three new cactuses, growing tall and straight, will each get a beautiful bloom on top as well. 

But no beautiful blooms.  Much to my surprise, two of the new cactuses reached a certain height, then roots began growing from the top of each of them.   What?!?   

What plant grows roots from it’s top?!?   There’s no dirt up there.   Roots need dirt.   What are those cactus plants doing?!? 

Not only that … a brand-new baby version of the cactus began growing from where the roots were sprouting … all of this at the top of the tall straight cactus plant.   What?!? 

The 2 brand-new baby cactuses grew taller … while the roots just below them stretched out, looking for dirt. 

My logic and common sense have been telling me that the tops of the cactuses need to be cut off and potted in dirt, so that the new roots can grow in dirt … and the new baby cactuses can have their own fresh start. 

But it seemed cruel to cut off the top of the “parent” cactuses.  Would it hurt the “parent” cactus??      What would happen to the “parent” cactus if its top were suddenly cut off??    Would the tiny baby cactus sprout (with roots) really be able to survive if I cut it off and put it in dirt?? 

Yesterday I did just that.  I very carefully cut off the top of each of the “parent” cactuses … and I re-planted the two new baby plants in the dirt alongside them. 

Here you can see the two “parent” cactuses after their “surgery” … the two tiny new cactuses just barely peeking from beneath the dirt (to the left of their “parent” cactuses) … and yet a third “parent” cactus in the process of sprouting its own brand-new baby plant. 

What will happen to the “parent” cactuses??   I don’t know.   But it sure does remind me a lot of what it feels like as a real parent to launch our kids and watch them leave home. 

You raise your kids and it’s like they are part of who you are … just like the baby cactuses were literally part of the “parent” cactuses. 

But then your kids grow their own “roots” … and their “roots” stretch out looking for fresh new space to take root in.  They need their freedom.  They need for us to allow them to “cut away” … and be free to “take root” apart from us. 

I look at the tiny vulnerable little shoots, barely peeking above the soil.   Will they survive??  I want to make sure they have plenty of water.  I fear they might be too dry in that hard dry cactus dirt all by themselves. 

But they are cactuses!  They don’t need tons of water.  They’ll be fine.  

Isn’t that how it feels as a parent when our kids “cut away” and “take root” apart from us! 

We want to “shower them” with plenty of “water” (aka love!) to make sure they will be ok.  But they don’t need tons of “watering.”   They’ll be fine.  Just give them their space and let them grow as God has made them to grow. 

Will the “parent” cactuses now grow a big beautiful bloom at the top??   I don’t know.   Maybe.  Perhaps the “cutting away” might just be the thing that triggers the big beautiful bloom to grow.  I guess we’ll have to wait and see.