Cracks in the mind

Cracks in the mind

We have lots of Big Leaf Maple trees in our forest.  Big Leaf Maple trees are aggressive! 

Big Leaf Maple stumps refuse to die … continuing to prolifically send out new shoots year after year! 

Big Leaf Maples are aggressively taking over the growth space in the forest as diseased Hemlocks are dying out. 

Big Leaf Maples seeds fall by the thousands every year … taking root everywhere! …  in the grass, in the flowerbeds, in the cracks of the pavers, in the rocks, all throughout the forest … even in cracks on our roof!  

Sounds a lot like the current ideologies and philosophies which are aggressively trying to take over society today! 

Just like the Big Leaf Maple stumps which refuse to die … these ideologies and philosophies refuse to bow to defeat! … but rather continue to send out new shoots aggressively! 

Just like the Big Leaf Maple trees are aggressively taking over the forest as Hemlocks are dying out … so also these modern ideologies and philosophies are aggressively taking over our world as those who have been steadfast pillars of Biblical ideologies and philosophies are passing away. 

And just as Big Leaf Maples seeds fall by the thousands every year … taking root everywhere! … so also these ideologies and philosophies are planting seeds everywhere!!  Seeds of philosophy planted in the tender young minds of our small children in daycare, in preschools, in children’s movies & tv shows, in children’s books. 

Ideologies and philosophies planted in the tender young minds of our elementary children, and our vulnerable young adolescents. 

Ideologies and philosophies planted in the minds of our impressionable teenagers, and of our fledgling college students. 

Seeds which are taking root … everywhere!! 

So … what are we to do about it all??  What are we to do about the onslaught of ideologies and philosophies which are aggressively taking over our world? 

Be vigilant! 

Pull up the sprouts!  Don’t let them grow on the well-worn pavers of your life! 
Mow them off the lawn of your personal spaces! 
Be vigilant to take the effort to “weed” the flowerbeds of your life … pull up the sprouts! 

But what about all the sprouts springing up all throughout the forest, everywhere??   What about all the ideologies and philosophies which are taking root in people’s minds everywhere we turn?? 

The entire forest belongs to God.  It is His forest.  He will deal with the ideologies and philosophies taking over the forest.  Our responsibility is to be vigilant with the tiny corner of the forest which God has entrusted to us to manage.  Pull up the sprouts in our tiny corner of the forest! 

And above all else, be vigilant to guard your mind! 

Just like the sprouts in the cracks on our roof … don’t let these ideologies and philosophies create cracks in your mind!  

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”  – Romans 12:2