Coyotes, Doe’s, & Baby Deer

Coyotes, Doe’s, & Baby Deer

A coyote has been lurking about recently.  Coyotes are so sneaky and devious!  Here is a photo from a few days ago of a coyote trotting across our backyard.  It’s so hard to get a good photo of a coyote … about the time I spot one and grab my phone for a photo, they’ve vanished.

A pack of five deer have been hanging out on our property for the past couple of months.  We’ve suspected several of them to be pregnant, as they’ve been acting like typical emotional females … nipping and picking at each other.  It has been a curious thing to us that they’ve hung together in such a tight pack.

Just this past Monday, much to our great surprise, through the woods came one of the doe’s, with two itty bitty wobbly babies trotting along behind her!  One of my very first thoughts was, “I sure hope the coyote doesn’t get the babies!  I need to pray over that!”

I’ve been pondering the rest of this week how deer have to be so vigilant and alert!  Especially with their new babies … they’re always on the move … always listening … always watchful … always on the lookout. 

I’ve often wondered when deer sleep.  It seems they’re forever wandering the property at all hours of the night, setting off the video motion sensors.  They’re not the only ones … the coyote are active at all hours of the night too … also setting off the video motion sensors.

It seems like it would be exhausting to not get a good night’s sleep. 

“I’m glad I’m not a deer,” I was thinking this morning.  Then the thought occurred to me … “Actually, we are.”  The example in the Bible is sheep and wolves.  But it could just as easily be deer and coyote!  As Christians, we ARE deer … and Satan is the coyote!  That’s why the Bible has so many warnings for us to be alert, to be watchful, to be on our guard!   Satan is devious and sneaky and lurking around to get us! … just like the coyote are out to get the deer.

The thought also occurred to me that perhaps the reason the pack of five pregnant doe’s hung together so tightly the past two months might have been BECAUSE they were pregnant and there was greater safety for them by hanging out together.  That idea can also be applied to us as Christians.  The Bible has a lot to say about the importance of Christian community and fellowship.  Community for us as Christians provides protection and safety in a spiritual sense, much the same way  community for deer provides protection from coyotes.

Wow … the Bible is so relevant!  Especially when you can see it’s principles come alive before your eyes … in the form of coyotes, doe’s, and baby deer.