Courage for something new

Courage for something new

I grew basil for the first time this year … and I attempted to make pesto for the first time. 

I had grand plans for making petso!  However, I was completely unprepared for the exorbitant price of pine nuts!  That right there set the pace for all future pesto-making efforts.  Furthermore, the first time I attempted to make pesto I made it with way too much garlic.  Have you ever eaten anything with way too much raw garlic in it?  If so … enough said!  (Ha!)  

Additionally, the pesto didn’t have enough salt. 

The tastiness of the pesto might have turned out to be less-than-expected, but I did discover, over the course of the summer, that basil, tomato, mozzarella wraps (caprese wraps) are absolutely delicious!   These became my go-to lunch staple for most of the summer! 

When it comes to developing new relationships … it can be overwhelming and frightening (especially for introverts – like me) … because it’s all so new.  It takes courage!  It takes courage to get out of our “comfort zone” and meet new people. 

It takes perseverance … perseverance to keep on trying … especially when everything in you wants to stay in the safety of the familiar. 

It is also a learning process.  You try one thing, and it doesn’t work;  so you tweak things and try it a little bit differently next time. 

Have courage for something new … especially when it comes to building new relationships/new friendships!