Constructive Criticism

Constructive Criticism

Yesterday afternoon I went out to the garden to see if the tomatoes were getting ripe (they aren’t).  I did discover, much to my surprise, that the beans are still producing … in fact there were just enough for dinner.  As I was picking beans, I came across this little ladybug up underneath the bean leaves. 

Immediately I was in awe of how amazing God is … and His wonderful creation!  Just look at the detail and the coloring on this tiny little creature which no one ever sees.  It’s hidden away, out of sight, up underneath all the bean leaves … doing what God made it to do … which is eating parasites off the bean plant. 

This morning I woke up thinking about the little ladybug.  Its presence is a lot like the constructive criticism we receive in our lives from the ones whom we are in relationship with.  Obviously, the ladybug would not be on this plant if there were not microscopic parasites also present on this plant. 

We can’t see the microscopic parasites.  But clearly, they are there. 

In our lives we each have character flaws, selfish tendencies, sinful bents which we can’t see.  But those who are in close relationship with us can see them. 

Those who are in close relationship with us point these things out to us … because they care about us!  And because they know these character flaws, selfish tendencies, and sinful bents will cause harm in our lives! 

It’s hard to receive constructive criticism.  To be honest, it feels like a verbal attack.  Our immediate, knee-jerk reaction is to respond defensively!  We want to attack and squash the “ladybug” … because we don’t believe there are “parasites” in our life. 

Constructive criticism is one of the great strengthening factors in a marriage!  Let the “ladybug” do its work … accept the fact that there are “parasites” which need to be removed in your life.  This requires humility. 

Let the pride go … and listen. 

Those who are in close relationship with us care about us!  Their constructive criticism will help us! 

If we listen and take to heart what they share with us, it will help our life to be healthier and more productive!  It will help our relationship with them / our marriage to be healthier and more productive!