Confidence in an untrustworthy sprinkler

Confidence in an untrustworthy sprinkler

It has been over 90 degrees every day this week!   The plants in the front flowerbed need water.  So, early this morning I set up the sprinkler … a revolving, rotating sprinkler. 

After much adjusting of the water pressure to ensure the entire flowerbed would get the perfect amount of water, I headed inside to have breakfast and start my day. 

An hour later I went back outside, expecting the flowerbed to be fully watered  … only to discover the sprinkler had gotten stuck in one position.  Who knows how long it had sat there in that one position, watering the exact same narrow segment of flowerbed. 

It’s going to be hot today!  And the entire rest of the flowerbed had not received any water!  I was perturbed!  I don’t have time to constantly babysit the sprinkler. 

Confidence in an untrustworthy sprinkler. 

Proverbs 20:6 came to mind:  “Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?” 

When I was a young mom with small children, I experienced the painful reality of this verse.  At the time, we only had one vehicle.  Hubby had an evening appointment on the same night the kids had their very first Awana meeting.  My son was so excited to go to Sparkies!  But we had no way to get there. 

Have you ever noticed how religious people are the epitome of Proverbs 20:6 … such nice people at church caring about our family … letting us know that if we ever needed anything to just let them know.  So, with much reservation I gathered up my courage and asked one of the most outspoken proponents of “unfailing love” at our church if she could take me and the kids to Awana.  She assured me she would. 

But that particular evening she never showed up.  The kids and I waited out at the curb in the parking lot for 45 minutes … well past when Awana would have started … and no one ever showed up.  The kids were heartbroken.  I was heartbroken. 

This lady never did remember that she had promised to give us a ride to church.  And it was painful the next time at church when everyone told us how much they had missed us at Awana. 

“Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?” – Proverbs 20:6 

Confidence in an untrustworthy sprinkler. 

This situation is not a one-time occurrence.  Over the years, we have repeatedly had people, deeply religious people, claim to have “unfailing love” … only for them to not care … at all. 

The sprinkler’s job is to provide water for thirsty plants which are enduring extreme heat.  So also, as followers of Jesus Christ, we have been tasked to provide the water of God’s Word for weary thirsty souls enduring the extreme heat of life. 

What kind of “sprinkler” are you? 

When someone shares their heavy burden with you … does it matter at all to you??  Do you steadfastly pray for them??  Do you follow up with them??  Do you do anything at all to water their parched weary soul with encouragement?? 

Or do you forget about them … and about their burden?? 

Be a trustworthy sprinkler. 

Proverbs 25:19 – “Like an abscessed tooth or a broken foot is reliance on the unfaithful in times of trouble.”