College is a journey … via tuk-tuk

College is a journey … via tuk-tuk

Life happens.  Things break.    That’s the way it is with tuk-tuks.   Tuk-tuks are forever breaking down … often in the most inopportune places.  

In your college journey you will discover that along the way you will have a few tuk-tuk breakdowns:  your computer crashes as you are trying to finish that important assignment; you bomb that pop quiz you weren’t expecting or that test you had studied hard for; etc.   Suddenly you find yourself stalled and at a standstill along the side of the road.  What to do!?  What to do!?  

Tuk-tuk breakdowns are frustrating!  Tuk-tuk breakdowns are inevitable.  But usually there is someone nearby who happens to know what is wrong and can help.  Tuk-tuk breakdowns are not the end …  look around, help is sure to be close by.  With a little help you will find that in no time at all you will once again be off on your journey.