College is a journey … via train

College is a journey … via train

At Pennsylvania Station in New York City the trains arrive and depart at an underground level.  Due to safety concerns, passengers are not allowed to hang out on the train platform, but rather must wait upstairs in a comfortable waiting room until their particular train has arrived at the station. 

While waiting upstairs in the comfortable waiting room one can stay occupied by watching a big reader sign which gives an ever-changing update on the progress of the trains and their arrival times.   When you see that your train’s arrival time is getting close you ready yourself, along with a mass of other people, at the top of the stairs, which descend down to the train platform. 

Once your particular train has pulled into the station, an “’all-clear” sign alerts you that you are now permitted to descend below and board the train.  In a frantic mad dash of chaos everyone rushes down the stairs!  The train won’t wait long.  In just a very few short minutes the doors will close and the train will pull away.  If you aren’t “on your toes” you will miss your train completely. 

In your college journey, and in life’s journey opportunities are like that!  Your window for grabbing opportunities is short!  Watch the “reader board” of life in order to be alert to opportunities that might be on their way.   Be observant to notice if an opportunity has just “pulled in to the station.”   

But what if nobody else seems to notice or care about “getting on board” the opportunity?  What if everyone else is content to lounge in the comfortable waiting room and play on their phone? Don’t follow the crowd.  Don’t let that be you!! 

Be alert!  Be vigilant!   Always be on the lookout for opportunities.  And when they “pull into the station” make a mad dash to “board that train!”  Opportunities only come once.  They don’t wait long … and then they are gone.