College is a journey … via subway

College is a journey … via subway

Along your college journey, and along life’s journey, you will find yourself navigating busy, congested “traffic.”  You will feel lost in the confusion and chaos of the “traffic.”  How do you know where to go??   How do you know how to get there??   So many voices trying to tell you which way to go.  So many honking horns pressuring you.  So many billboards and street signs overwhelming you! 

In order to navigate the congestion, confusion, and chaos, you must avoid the surface and go deep … take the “subway.” 

How do you know which way God wants you to go?  Go deep.  Deep down, in your soul, what is it that ignites your passion and interest?  Deep down, what is it in life that you find the greatest joy in doing?  Deep down, what are the specific ways God has made you uniquely you? 

By going deep to who God made you to be, it will take you directly to your destination of what God wants you to do.