College is a journey … via snowplow

College is a journey … via snowplow

As you travel along life’s journey you will go through seasons when wintery storms of doubt, confusion, and chaos create white-out conditions, bringing all forward progress to a halt.  

Stormy winds blow in fury, creating snowdrifts which blanket everything in a thick layer of white and obliterate all signs of the road.   Travel becomes treacherous because pitfalls and dangers now lie hidden beneath the blanketed layer of white.   Additionally, due to the lack of direction it is easy to wander from the path and become hopelessly lost. 

Many fellow travelers wind up stranded by the drifts of doubt, despair, confusion, and chaos.  They have no way to find the path again. 

But you have been well-equipped (with the Word of God) … these are the tools you need to plow through the drifts of doubt, despair, confusion, and chaos.  You hook up your snowplow attachment and you clear a path through the confusion.   As you follow the Way (Jesus Christ) you clear the way so that fellow travelers will be able to find the Way.