College is a journey … via rocket

College is a journey … via rocket

Starting out on your college journey feels a lot like blasting off in a rocket!  Excitement!  Nerves on edge!  Heart standing still!  T-minus and counting!  Unleashed energy! Billowing smoke!  Upward momentum!  Supports torn away!  Lift off!!  Higher and higher!  Clear of the earth’s atmosphere!

Then silence.   Nothing but the vast black emptiness of space. And the long journey ahead.

The loneliness takes you by surprise.  There was so much excitement leading up to this moment. Endless months of preparation and anticipation. But now that the journey is underway, it isn’t exactly what you thought it would be. The loneliness is profound.

Nothing is the same anymore. Everything is different!

This is really hard!

Change is hard.  No doubt about it. And though the loneliness is overwhelming, and though you no longer hear your loved ones cheering as at the launch, they are still cheering nonetheless!  And though you no longer feel the support beams, you are still supported nonetheless! Take courage!  And blaze forward to discover the amazing things God has in store for you!