College is a journey … via recycle truck

College is a journey … via recycle truck

Along your college journey, and along life’s journey you will wind up making some mistakes.  You will wind up with a few regrets.  You will have your fair share of failures.  That’s normal … that’s life.  The question is: what will you do with those mistakes and failures?  Will you discard them as useless, tossing them into the garbage heap?  Or will you recycle them? 

Every mistake and every failure is an opportunity to learn and grow; to become wiser and stronger.  You can learn more from your failures than you ever will from your successes.  Toss those mistakes and failures into the “recycle truck” and let God do something amazing with them. 

You will discover that those things you view as “trash” are the very things God will repurpose in your life for you to help someone else.