College is a journey … via moving truck

College is a journey … via moving truck

As you travel along life’s journey you have probably noticed moving trucks passing by on life’s highway.  Your friend is moving from one life stage to another life stage.  A different friend is moving into a new exciting career. 

Perhaps you are looking forward to the time when your moving truck will show up and it will be your time to move also!  Or perhaps you might be somewhat fearful over the anticipation of moving.   The thought of having your life packed up and transported somewhere different to start over can be overwhelming. 

God is a Master Mover!  But God, the Master Mover, does not always move everybody the same way.  Sometimes God will move you via a United Vanlines semi-truck, at 75mph down the freeway.  Other times God might chose to move you via a flatbed truck along a two-lane country road.  God will move you … many times, as you travel this journey of life that He has marked out for you.  Just be prepared that His “moving truck” might look a little different than what you are expecting.