College is a journey … via motorcycle

College is a journey … via motorcycle

A motorcycle is not designed to carry a massive amount of baggage.  However, you will discover as you travel along your college journey, and along life’s journey that “baggage” will wind up accumulating along the way  …  this painful experience, that hurtful situation, those people who were unkind, that relationship that turned sour,  etc. … Before you know it your motorcycle is so loaded down with excessive “baggage” that it becomes difficult to navigate, it is difficult to steer, it is difficult to see clearly, and it is difficult to stay balanced.     

You need to offload the “baggage.” And Jesus is the one to help you do it!  Jesus can give you the forgiveness you need to get those nasty knots untied, which are holding that “baggage” on.   Jesus can give you the strength you need to toss that “baggage” off to the side. 

Stop for a moment and take a look at your motorcycle.  Is there any “baggage” along for the ride that needs to go?