College is a journey … via kayak

College is a journey … via kayak

Your college journey is preparing you and conditioning you for the greatest journey of all … the journey of life! 

The journey of life will take you down some of the most dangerous and swiftest currents of human culture!   The water will be icy.  The canyons deep, nearly blocking out the sunlight.  For sure there will be a few open stretches of calm quiet water.  But for the most part you will find yourself navigating foaming white cataracts filled with dangerous boulders, many submerged beneath the raging white water.   You will be launched over waterfall drops many feet in height.  

When you capsize, you will need the strength and skill to regain the surface.  You will need strength and skill with your paddle to avoid the boulders. You will need stamina and endurance.  

So although right now your muscles ache and you are bone-weary with fatigue, know that you are getting stronger … stronger for life’s journey.