College is a journey … via hot air balloon

College is a journey … via hot air balloon

College produces pressure.  The pressure builds up!   It only takes a small spark … and KABOOM!    Explosion!  Some people along your college journey will ignite and blow their flame and hot air all over other people!  They singe and scorch everyone around them.  

The pressure will build up within your own soul as well, and you can be sure that sooner or later a spark will ignite a fire in your soul.   This is the time when you need to pull away.  Pull away from the situation and let your flame burn off upwards … to Jesus.  As your flame burns off upwards to Jesus, the pressure will be released from your soul and you will find yourself rising above the situation.  Rising above will give you peace and calm.  Rising above will give you a broader view and a fresh perspective. 

Let the pressure of your college journey burn off upwards to Jesus so that you can rise above, as in a hot air balloon.