College is a journey … via helicopter

College is a journey … via helicopter

Helicopters are noisy!  Rotating, pulsating propeller blades churn in a perpetual, deafening roar.  It is impossible to speak to one another or to hear one another … unless one is wearing a headset.  Headsets block the noise.  Headsets block the clamor.  Headsets make it possible for people to communicate in the midst of the roar. 

College is noisy!  There is so much going on and so much to do.  And people everywhere!  There is nowhere to get away from all the people.      Engulfed in the noise and clamor, it can be hard to hear Jesus speaking to your soul.  You need a “headset.”  You need a way to block out the clamor and to connect with Jesus in the midst of the roar. 

Let your earbuds be your “headset.”  Put in your earbuds, block the noise, and connect with Jesus as you travel along your college journey.