College is a journey … via hang glider

College is a journey … via hang glider

You are standing at the beginning of a new college experience … as if standing high on the side of a mountain.  The semester stretches far away in front of you … as if a valley stretching far away below you.   In front of you the takeoff ramp extends a few hundred feet, then disappears completely as the mountainside drops away.  

Your heart is pounding.  You’ve never done this before.  

Jesus says to you, “My child, I’ve called you to do this.  Just strap on to Me.”  

You strap on.  Your heart is pounding!  Your chest is tight.  

Jesus tells you, “When I say run, run for all you’re worth!” 

Your heart is pounding!  Your chest is tight.  

Jesus tells you, “Run!  Run!  Run!”   You run for all you’re worth!   You and Jesus run!! 

The ground disappears from underneath your feet  …  and the semester takes off!   You are caught up on the wings of the wind, off into your college journey.    And together, you and Jesus soar!