College is a journey … via cardboard canoe

College is a journey … via cardboard canoe

In my son’s college freshman engineering class he was given the assignment of building a cardboard canoe, using only a limited allotment of pvc pipe, cardboard, and packing tape.  He was required to work as a team with 3 other engineering students, and the cardboard canoe had to be designed in such a way that it would hold the weight of  2 of the students as they paddled across a lake.  Their grade was based upon whether or not their canoe made it across the lake to the opposite shore. 

In life’s journey you will encounter “lakes” that need to be crossed and you’ll discover that you only have a limited amount of resources. Keep in mind that whatever God has supplied for you to work with, then that’s exactly what you need in order to “make your boat float” and “cross the lake.” 

Use ingenuity with what God gives you.  And work together with your teammates … they have great ideas that will help!  And together you’ll find that even a cardboard canoe can make it across the lake to the other side.