College is a journey … via airplane

College is a journey … via airplane

When it comes to air travel the motto is: hurry and wait!  Hurry and get to the airport! Wait in long lines to get through security.  Wait to board the plane.  Wait some more because of delayed flights.  Wait for the cabin doors to be shut.  Wait to be pushed back from the gate.  Wait in queue out on the runway.  Wait for clearance to take off.   Wait for the fasten-seat-belt sign to be turned off.   Wait for cabin service.  Wait in a holding pattern to land.  Wait for passengers to disembark.  Hurry and get off the plane! Hurry up the jetway, and on our way! 

Life’s journey is all about hurry … and wait!  Hurry and get ready for opportunity!  Then wait and wait and wait as God works all things out according to His will and in His timing.