College is a journey … via aircraft carrier

College is a journey … via aircraft carrier

Life is not a luxury cruise in the sunny Bahamas.  Life is a military deployment into spiritual warfare.  And in life’s journey you are a soldier deployed in battle aboard an aircraft carrier.  

You sail in dangerous waters.  Satan, the prince of the power of the air, launches missiles of attack day and night.  You take a few hits, but your ship’s armor (your Faith) is strong.   Your anti-ballistic defense missiles (the Word hidden in your heart) are accurate and effective at intercepting and destroying incoming fire.  From the flight deck fighter jet after fighter jet takes off  … verse after verse of Scripture, locked and loaded and full of power to demolish strongholds and tear down defenses!  Your mission: to set captives free.  You won’t rest.  You won’t quit. 

You are a fighter!  You fight for your great and awesome King Jesus!  Your future is worth fighting for!   Your family is worth fighting for!  Your children are worth fighting for!