Circles in the sky

Circles in the sky

I was outside working in the yard when my attention was caught by two mighty birds of prey riding circles high in the sky … in a beautiful dance together.   It was captivating!    I had never seen anything like it.  

Just by looking at them I was pretty sure they were not bald eagles.    But I didn’t know what type of bird they were, other than perhaps osprey?  

I recognized their call.    I hear that call quite often as I’m outside working in the forest.   

The thing is, I’ve heard that very same bird-call in movies, attributed to eagles.   But I could tell that these mighty birds … riding circles in the sky … were not eagles.  

So I did a bit of research.  

What does an osprey sound like?    No … that’s not it.  

What does an eagle sound like?    No … that’s not it.  

What does a hawk sound like?    No … that’s not it.  

I went through listening to all the different calls of all the different kinds of hawks.    Then I reached the Red-tailed Hawk.    That’s it!!    That’s totally it!    I had no idea those big, beautiful birds riding circles high in the sky were Red-tailed Hawks!   (Red-tailed Hawk Overview, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology)  

Yesterday’s blog post pondered the question:  What’s the point of life?    We might ask that same question about the Red-tailed Hawk.    What’s the point of its life?  

As I stood there in my yard, completely captivated by the majestic beauty of the Red-tailed Hawks riding circles in the sky high overhead, I couldn’t help but be in awe of my great and mighty God! 

The purpose of the Red-tailed Hawk is to be what God made it to be  …  and in so doing, bring glory to God!  

The purpose of the Red-tailed Hawk is to ride circles high in the sky, in a beautiful a courting dance   …  because that is what God made it to do.    That is what God made it to be.  

The purpose of life is to simply be who God made you to be  …  and in so doing, bring glory to God! 

The Red-tailed Hawks soaring high overhead me were not at all concerned with the fact that movie directors had inaccurately attributed their call to the eagle.    The Red-tailed Hawks riding circles on the breeze were not at all offended, or jealous of the eagles.   They totally did not care.   They were simply living to be what God had made them to be.  

The circles in the sky high overhead by the Red-tailed Hawks are completely different than the circles in the sky by the little hummingbirds in my backyard.    Here you can see a red Rufous Hummingbird.   (I apologize for the blurriness of the photo … it was evening so the lighting was dim, and the little hummingbird would not stay still)  

In the evening glow of the setting sun, the red of the Rufous flashed in stunning brilliance!!    It was amazing!!    Only God could make that little red hummingbird’s coloring to catch the light in just the right way so that it flashes in such stunning brilliance!  

The little red Rufous Hummingbird was simply having its dinner.    It was simply being what God had made it to be  …  and yet, in so doing, it was bringing glory to God!  

The red Rufous Hummingbirds in my backyard are not at all comparing themselves to the Red-tailed Hawks high overhead.    They totally do not care.    They are simply living to be what God has made them to be  … feisty, and fast! (Rufous Hummingbird Overview, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology)

This is the point of life  …  to live the life God has given you  …  and to be who God has made you to be. 

No comparison!  

God has given you this life on purpose.    Your life is special!     Your life is made to bring glory to God!